Nagel-Group uses Azure OpenAI Service to help employees find information
A successful multinational company needs to ensure its workforce can quickly access the information and know-how that will serve their clients' needs. Find out how Nagel-Group managed this issue using an innovative solution based on Azure OpenAI Service to save time and assist their teams with useful, high-quality answers.
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Nagel-Group uses Azure OpenAI Service to help employees find information
published by OptivITy Limited
OptivITy; we put the information at your fingertips; helping you optimise your resources so that your technology works for you, and not the other way around. Our goal is to assist all businesses, big and small, to benefit from cost savings and better productivity. We have over 23 years of experience working with businesses, including the film and media industry, and so we are confident you will be impressed with the quality, cost and reliability of our services.